- Personal faith in, and commitment to, Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
- A clear conviction that God has called you to make this Fellowship your spiritual home.
- Acceptance of our fundamental beliefs.
- The acceptance of Biblical standards of personal holiness.
- Acceptance of the Leadership and submission to the discipline of the Local Church.
- Acceptance of our philosophy of ministry and commitment to our vision.
- Regular attendance at our Sunday meetings and involvement in one of our midweek meetings.
- A definite seeking for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the New Testament evidence of ‘signs following’.
- Regular giving to the Church according to Scriptural standards.
- A commitment to serve the ‘body’ with the gifts and abilities that God has given you.
- Loyal support for, and involvement in, the activities of the Church as it seeks to fulfil its role in the community.
- A commitment to work through the Biblical procedure for conflict and reconciliation with other members.
- A commitment to do your best to make us aware of particular problems or situations of ill-health.
- A commitment to discuss any area of frustration or disappointment concerning the Fellowship with one of the associated Leaders and if necessary thereafter, the Church Session.
Church Newsletters
Gateway Elim Latest News & Updates
Contact Gateway Elim, Ammanford
01269 593299
Pastor Alan Hamilton
Building Rental
01269 593299
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evenings